Here binds a sharp knife on tap.
Cock fighting has taken
place in the Philippines for many years. If you are sensitive, do not go and see
it, it is very tough. It will put a large knife on the tap
feet, they are different depending on the crowing size. So people go around
and beser taps, to find out who is struck against whom, and so soaked that
about who is the best fighter. Once this is done then takes two cocks to
be fighting each other, and hold them against each other Hovet. Then the taps completely wild and gall at each other, then sanded the free in a ring and fight for the one door. Some
of the losers is not quite dead, so now they have become so murderers that
employed a small medical team to sew cocks together again. There are cockfights
every Sunday but sometimes other days
SeaSuns trip to cockfight going on a motorcycle with a sidecar.
(Philippine name tricyklerne).
the trip costs 250 pesos per person about 6 US ride is a halvdaes