Welcome to hundred island
So great is hundred island.
Hundreds island is so beautiful. Tour price will depend on
how many people in the car and boat. The car can accommodate 8-10 people. Normal
price for renting a car and boat costs with driveR, Php.6500. (approx.160,00 USD) price per person approx. 20,00 USD if you are 8
people. We get up early, already at 06:30 if you can not get up so early, Tina
can come and call on you. PS. Early risers, take a
morning swim before breakfast. We expect to have eaten breakfast before 08:00 and ready to go. It takes approx. 1time drive. We bring cold beer
and water in the car for very little money. You must agreed with the kitchen what food want to bring to the tour the day before, by noon, so
they can go to the market and shop and prepare it for you. It has no restaurant in the Island, therefor it is a good idea to take some food items with you. It is possible to
grill and eat your lunch at the small table we have rented on one of the islands. Snacks and soft drinks are available there. When we arrived in Alaminos,Tina will find a boat for
you. When we are ready, so we sail around and see some of the islands, visit caves, sightseeing post
where you can see all the small islands arround you. Later, we go to the beach in Quezon island, as you exploring the island, Tina will prepare your lunch. After lunch, we will sail to the place where the big
clams are. Remember to take swimwear and your own snorkel with you, otherwise you have to rent it in Alaminos, and it is expensive.
So we arrive to the parking place in Alamainos
Svend gives Dennis a little lesson in how to use his video before depart from the harbour.
So we ready to sail, Dennis take a little video before vi sail.
Small hotel with restaurant on the waterfront.
Hundreds island seen from one of the island.
On the way down from udkigget to see a cave.
This wheelbarrows can run over hill and dale, driven by rice and water.
Adelina and Michelle in front of the Governor island cave.
Yes, the time we were there, there was one man that sold ice cream sticks on top of the island. For island rates but he also had a hard road up there, with his ice box.
There should be aircon and power on the island. Cosy little island worth a visit.
There are spectacular views from the top. A number of years ago everything was destroyed by a typhoon.
It is the place where people enjoy themselves and bathe, small cabins for rent with views. There is also a paddock with mussels that have peace to be large, they are the ones who can grow up to 1 m You can find some like those on Seasun, but they are 3 to 4 million years old.
In children's island can be booked accommodation. You have to have everything with, there is no power on the island, and there is no water, so you get 10 liters in your order on an overnight. PS. Remember flashlight as it is tonight, it's just dark, and it's really dark. There are bamboo huts that can be sleeping in and there is a caretaker on the island.
Small kiosk where you can buy some snacks, fruit sodas, beer, rum, otherwise many small things. Diving Mask can also be rented there.
There is also a small cozy restaurant with small tables and a great view. There you can really follow what is going on around you.
Philippine island taxi. The taxi can handle it, on land and at sea. Yes, people are so helpful, and would like to give a hand.
Mens der grilles snakkes der om både store og små problemer. Mens de kigger på de mange turister.
The table bearings, for 5 US it is covered. There are toilet / bath on the island, which can be used if you want to change clothes. It costs 5 Pesos ..
It can be clearly seen how the sea over the years have eaten island in the water. So you can think how many years it takes before it overturned.
He does not have hard skin under your feet, as the locals, they can go barefoot up there on the rocks.
It ends up becoming professional camera man?
If you do not have diving mask and snorkel, it can be rented on the island. But it is cheaper to bring your own .. From the raft is fastened a thick rope out so you can pull you along with it and see mussels, which dates from ca. 3 m to 4 m depth. If you can not swim, it's a good idea to take a life jacket on, there are life jackets in the boat.
Svend has been diving since he was young, now he is 77 years old and can still make the trip. He is still fascinated by the beautiful fish and coral life under water. Is incredibly beautiful.
Bats. Fruit bats, they sit in the trees and sleep during the day and at night they fly up into the mountains, and eat fruit. From Seasun can see them come flying past approx. KL. 17:45, from a few hundred to 10,000 pcs, depending on the weather.
The Hundred Islands This video: Gives a good impression of the Hundred Islands.
So the store before we again head back home. If we
can reach it before it gets dark, we go down and see how to make salt
from sea water. It is possible to buy salt, for very
little money, you can bring home to remind. Tastes ask a islanders salt, whether it costs only 5% of it.
Prepare many small passenger where sea water is let in from the river.
When the water is admitted, it evaporates and the salt remains, which pushed together with a scraper.
Here boil sea water and the salt remains.
When sea water has boiled long enough, salty fished up with a racket.
Salten carried up to the storage room in bamboo baskets when it drip dry.